Brickin it

Last night I did my first proper "brick" workout, ie going straight from bike to run.

Actually, yesterday was a serious workout day. I was at the gym at 6.30am for a 45 minute spin class, then 30 mins of weights, then work.

When I got home from work at about 6 it was still bright, zane was staying at his grandparents and steph was at college, so rather than sitting around on my ass I got on the road.

I cycled 12.2 miles (20km) and was annoyingly slow as before. I had planned on finishing the rider at my house, but the loop I cycled meant that I came back by my place about a mile short so I just kept going. I cycled into glengormely and looked out for somewhere to lock up the bike. Shortly after hitting the 20km mark, I saw a fence beside a bus stop. So I pulled over, jumped off the bike, chained it to the fence, threw my helmet in the camelback and started running.

I got a lot of strange looks from the people at the bus stop… And I think this is the moment that I learned that doing this sort of training means not giving a shit what people think of you or how weird you look.

I was prepared for jelly legs, but I was rather surprised to discover how my body dealt with this, which was to run faster than normal. Like, quite a lot faster. I started out at a 7.30 pace and kept thid going for about a mile I think.

I decided that I might as well run a sprint triathlon distance hard, then finish with two easy miles.

I was pretty happy to do the initial 3.1 miles in 24 mins. That's good going for me.

I got myself back to the bike, and gently cycled the 2 miles home.

Totally excellent workout, and to top it all off my wonderful wife picked up some KFC for us on the way home.


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